Developing New Foundations to Achieve More. 


Life can be difficult when an individual’s neurobiology is compromised or hasn’t matured typically. Daily activities such as eating a meal with family, being at a birthday party, sitting in a classroom or getting ready every morning is harder than it should be. Using the Masgutova Method and her 30 + years of experience, Misti builds new neuro-pathways to overcome compromised neurobiology which has hindered development. The goal for all clients is to live their best lives.



Most parents want their children to thrive in all aspects of life.  When that doesn’t happen parents can be frustrated, children’s self-esteem plummets, and life becomes a tangle of battles and worries.  By working with the body’s inherit reflex structures, Misti helps the brain organize and calms the nervous system.  This allows for better engagement with people and the environment in order to learn and enjoy everyday activities like playing with friends and participating in groups. 

Through reflex re-patterning, engaging activities and home programs clients develop new foundations for growth in fine motor skills, sensory processing, visual motor, visual perceptual, behavioral and thinking skills.

Those who may benefit from therapy include:

  • Children who have learning differences such as Dyslexia, Learning Disorders, Dyspraxia and Motor Planning Issues. 

  • Those with Sensory Processing and Regulation Disorders.

  • Individuals with developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, brain injury, and genetic syndromes

  • Children and Parents who are experiencing problems with attachment.

After completing an evaluation and prioritizing goals, we will collaborate on a home program to develop skills that will make life easier.

Misti also works with adults! 

Often, we go through life not realizing how we are making small muscular compensations due to past injuries, trauma or our own lack of neural development and integration.  Misti can provide the same Masgutova Techniques to help your nervous system unwind compensatory patterns and rewire for improved immune system, nerve net functioning and ease in moving through life.