There are many different reflexes which affect development, the following are ones that commonly interfere with learning.  

Moro Reflex: Triggered by a sudden change in head position, the head tilts back, arms/legs go into extension with a deep inhalation in; followed by the head, arms and legs folding in flexion, hands go into fists with exhalation.

Moro Reflex: Triggered by a sudden change in head position, the head tilts back, arms/legs go into extension with a deep inhalation in; followed by the head, arms and legs folding in flexion, hands go into fists with exhalation.

How does this reflex Help Us?

  • Signals the fight or flight system

  • Helps us to organize and self-regulate

  • Foundation for concentration and comprehension

What will happen if the reflex doesn't integrate properlY? 

  • Excessive anxiety

  • Over worked adrenal glands leading to

  • Weakened immune system, allergies, infections

  • Hypersensitivity of vestibular system

  • Poor balance, motion sickness

  • Fear of taking risks required for learning leading to dependency

Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex: (ATNR): This is triggered when the head turns to one side, the arms and legs on that side extend while the limbs on the other side bend in flexion.

Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex: (ATNR): This is triggered when the head turns to one side, the arms and legs on that side extend while the limbs on the other side bend in flexion.

How does this reflex Help Us?

  • Helps infant breathe when on their tummy

  • Hearing development for protection

  • Foundation of language development

  • Flexion/extension of arms and legs, basis for later reaching

  • Differentiation of right and left sides of the body

  • Key for finding midline and developing hand dominance

  • Assists in the development of hand/eye coordination

  • Affects attention and working memory

What will happen if the reflex doesn't integrate properlY? 

  • Difficulty crossing midline

  • Difficulty with attention, focus, memory and thinking

  • Inadequate or mixed hand dominance

  • Difficulty with throwing and catching

  • Learning issues with reading, spelling, math and handwriting

Spinal Galant Reflex: Triggered while laying on the stomach or side and the back is touched on the side of the spine, the body then flexes or curves toward the side touched on.

Spinal Galant Reflex: Triggered while laying on the stomach or side and the back is touched on the side of the spine, the body then flexes or curves toward the side touched on.

How does this reflex Help Us?

  • Helps with birthing

  • Has a strong connection with the auditory and vestibular systems

  • Assists with flexibility in the spine and joint rotation

  • Coordinates the legs with the core of the body

What will happen if the reflex doesn't integrate properlY? 

  • Incorrect hip rotation leading to abnormal gait

  • Scoliosis

  • Incontinence, irritable bowel system

  • AHDH

  • Fidgeting in seat

  • Deficits in auditory processing

  • Discomfort with tight fitting clothing

Babinski Reflex: When the outer side of the foot is stroked or touched, the big toe extends toward the head, the other toes curl and the ankle rotates inward.

Babinski Reflex: When the outer side of the foot is stroked or touched, the big toe extends toward the head, the other toes curl and the ankle rotates inward.

What will happen if the reflex doesn't integrate properlY? 

  • Poor balance

  • Poor bilateral integration

  • Language delays

  • Difficulties with gross and fine motor coordination

  • Lack of grounding and stability

How does this reflex Help Us?

  • It provides grounding and stability

  • Prepares infant for standing

  • Needed for walking gait

  • Balance, both static and dynamic

Hands Grasping Reflex: Triggered by touch at the base of the fingers, the hand will firmly grasp and hold onto an object.

Hands Grasping Reflex: Triggered by touch at the base of the fingers, the hand will firmly grasp and hold onto an object.

What will happen if the reflex doesn't integrate properlY? 

  • Excessive pressure on pencil or pen due to involuntary flexion of fingers

  • Inefficient pencil grip, finger fatigue

  • Aversion to handwriting, written expression, and other fine motor skills

  • Negative effect on speech and communication skills

How does this reflex Help Us?

  • Hanging on for dear life

  • Gross hand motor coordination

  • Fine motor skills

  • Basis for hand-eye, hand-mouth and Hand-leg coordination